Tiny Titans #1

February 25, 2008 | Comics


Tiny Titans #1
Art Baltazar & Franco
Johnny DC/DC Comics
$2.75/$2.25 US
**** (out of five)

It’s been said a million times over the past few years: There just aren’t enough good comic books for kids anymore.
Well if you’re tired of trying to figure out how old your child or sibling needs to be before they can handle reading The Authority, Tiny Titans is a perfect new book for getting kids interested in graphic storytelling.
Featuring colourful and highly visual mini-stories of two-to-four pages, a playful elementary school setting and lots of quirky characters — distilled versions of the Teen Titans — Tiny Titans has a lot to offer younger readers.
The only question is: How many adult comic fans will bite on the regular-issue cover price for something their kids will turn into mulch?
If you can get past that, you’re in for a treat and it might just pay off in the long run when you hear that little voice ask it they can go to the comic book store instead of you having to drag them there.

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