The Art Of Greg Horn

April 25, 2005 | Trades


The Art Of Greg Horn
Greg Horn
Image Comics
$24.95 (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)

The work of one the premier cover artists in the comic book industry gets the deluxe treatment in this glorious collection of Greg Horn’s work.
Horn — who is best known for his work on Elektra and Emma Frost for Marvel Comics — reveals the inspirations for many of his works and takes readers behind the scenes with a certain fanboy glee that adds a lot to what could be just another art book.
There is much more than just superheroes in this book, too.
The photo-realistic style of Horn’s art has earned his many jobs outside the field, including promotional paintings for Bacardi rum, Barnum & Bailey’s Circus and the U.S. Olympic men’s basketball team.
For those who love art books and the deconstruction of complex artworks, The Art Of Greg Horn is sure to please.

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