Teen Titans: Deathtrap

January 7, 2010 | Trades

Teen Titans- Deathtrap

Teen Titans: Deathtrap
Sean McKeever, Marv Wolfman, Angel Unzueta, Tom Lyle, Fernando Dagnino
DC Comics
$18.99/$14.99 US (Paperback)
** ½ (out of five)

A former Titan has crossed the line and has got to face justice.

The question is: Will it be Titans justice or Vigilante justice?

Deathtrap, a seven-part crossover between Teen Titans, Titans and DC’s new Vigilante series, follows hot on the heels of Titans Vol. 2: Lockdown, as one-time hero, Jericho, continues to lose his mind as he steps up his ruthless attacks on his former teammates, while the collateral damage earns him the ire of New York City’s newest gun-toting crime fighter.

Unfortunately, what could have been an epic showdown comes off disjointed as it skips from series to series and creative team to creative team and relies far too much on fans having read other issues in order to follow along.

Only a rather nasty twist ending keeps Deathtrap from being a book you should totally disavow knowledge of — a rare thing from the usually solid Titans franchise.

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