Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Vol. 1: Commencement

January 29, 2007 | Trades


Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Vol. 1: Commencement
John Jackson Miller, Brian Ching, Travel Foreman
Dark Horse Books
$18.95 US (Paperback)
**** (out of five)

Everything old is new again — at least in the Star Wars universe.
Dark Horse Comics takes us old school — reeeeallly old school — with its newest series from the Lucasverse, almost 4,000 years before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope.
As we hop in our wayback machine, we meet Zayne Carrick, struggling Padawan (student) Jedi who is either close to completing his training and becoming a knight or getting his butt booted out the door, depending on the day.
But Zayne’s life as a screw-up seems like the good ol’ days after walking in late for a ceremony only to find his school’s Jedi Masters standing over the bodies of their dead Padawans. When they fail to catch and kill him too, Zayne’s on the run and facing not only the Jedi, but an entire galaxy after they frame him for the murders.
Can one Padawan, even with a little help from some unexpected allies, outwit the Jedi and escape in one piece?
Knights Of The Old Republic is an instant must not only for Star Wars junkies looking for their next fix, but for any fan of action-packed, eye-catching comics.

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