Identity Crisis #2 (of 7)

July 26, 2004 | Comics


Identity Crisis #2 (of 7)
Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales, Mike Bair
DC Comics
$6/$3.95 US
**** 1/2 (out of five)

It’s confession time as the comic book event of 2004 continues.
After the shocking murder of the Elongated Man’s wife in issue #1, several members of the old Justice League of America join forces to track down the killer. But when confronted about whom they suspect, the shocking truth behind Identity Crisis finally comes to light.
While some may argue this issue is light on action, plot exposition does play an integral role in any series like this and having a fight just for the sake of having one is just plain silly — even in comic books.
IC was hyped as the premier series of the year and it hasn’t disappointed so far. Writer Brad Meltzer is taking his readers on a brilliant trip as the anticipation for what is expected to be a super-hero cull reaches a fevered pitch.

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