Bomb Queen II: Dirty Bomb

August 7, 2007 | Trades


Bomb Queen II: Dirty Bomb
Jimmie Robinson
Image Comics
$14.99 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)

She rules New Port City with a smile and a lot of explosives —can Bomb Queen ever be dethroned?
This villainous bomb-wielding murderer, both adored and feared by the people of her city, has got an itch to scratch and when she meets a man who fits the bill, she may just get caught with her head under the covers until it’s too late to see the danger he poses.
The sequel to the uproarious and nasty original miniseries, Dirty Bomb shows a more sensitive side to its star with the killer bod — one that could just see her lose her crown.
Creator Jimmie Robinson doesn’t disappoint with this sizzling sophomore effort.

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