The Looking Glass Wars: Hatter M: #1
January 23, 2006 | Comics
The Looking Glass Wars: Hatter M #1
Frank Beddor, Ben Templesmith
Image Comics
$4.70/$3.99 US
*** 1/2 (out of five)
When most people think of Alice In Wonderland, visions of Disney cartoons and the phrase: “Off with her head!” spring to mind.
But not Frank Beddor.
The British author of The Looking Glass Wars adheres to the more ominous tones of Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking Glass to the phrase: “In a mirror, darkly.”
Beddor’s novel, which debuted in the U.K. and Canada in autumn 2004 (but is not scheduled to be released until fall 2006 in the U.S.), aims to tell the “true” story of Wonderland — of a dark world embroiled in a war.
Bridging the gap from the first of the planned trilogy of novels to the second, Hatter M follows the adventures of the man formerly known as The Mad Hatter, now referred to as Hatter Madigan, expert bladesman and bodyguard to her majesty, Princess Alyss.
Arriving through a portal from his world into Paris in the year 1859, Hatter begins his search for the lost princess — and his misplaced hat — and ends up running afoul of a few kites, some drunken Frenchmen, the police and a rather odious man named Sacrénoir.
This interesting premise, complimented by moody art provided by Aussie Ben Templesmith (30 Days Of Night, Fell), make the debut of Hatter M in comics a book worth investigating.
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