The Killer #1
December 4, 2006 | Comics
The Killer #1 (of 10)
Matz, Luc Jacamon
Archaia Studios Press
$3.95 US
**** (out of five)
I love French comics.
There’s just this fantastic feel to so much of the work coming from that country, especially over the past few years.
Whenever some of these beauties are translated into English — and unfortunately right now it’s coming at a snail’s pace — they are treats to be savoured.
Such is the case of Matz and Jacamon’s The Killer.
This moody and striking series, first published from 1998 to 2003, is regarded as a classic in Europe and it’s easy to see why.
This first issue sees the unnamed assassin sitting in wait for his next victim as his mind wanders from his recent slayings to his inauspicious beginnings.
It’s probably best that the rest of The Killer will be parsed out over the next nine months because it seems like a meal best served in multiple courses, lest it be devoured too hastily and not savoured as it should.
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