The Flash #214

October 4, 2004 | Comics


The Flash #214
Geoff Johns, Howard Porter, Livesay
DC Comics
$3.50/$2.25 US
*** 1/2 (out of five)

Spinning out of the events of DC’s blockbuster crossover event Identity Crisis comes Sins Of The Father, a three-part Flash story which deals with recent revelations about Wally West’s predecessor as the Scarlet Speedster, Barry Allen.
After learning that Barry, along with several other members of the Justice League, once voted to lobotomize super-villains that posed a serious danger to the heroes and their loved ones, Wally is forced to deal with the reality that even the greatest can make imperfect decisions.
Another solid issue in a long run of them by writer Geoff Johns, with solid art from Howard Porter and Livesay.

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