Testament: West Of Eden
March 12, 2007 | Trades
Testament: West Of Eden
Douglas Rushkoff, Liam Sharp
Vertigo/DC Comics
$17.50/$12.99 (Paperback)
** ½ (out of five)
Author Douglas Rushkoff began his new Vertigo series Testament last year with much well deserved acclaim.
The mature-readers series took tales from the Bible and paralleled them with similar stories set in a near future with extremely compelling results.
The first collection, Akedah, was vivid and thought provoking, if a might trippy.
With West Of Eden, however, that trippiness has gotten pretty far out of control and the mass appeal of the series is dwindling down to the point where only those with a theology degree can enjoy.
Let’s put it this way: Any five-issue collection that takes a 12 written pages to explain is abusing the art form.
Oh it’s still thought provoking — there’s some more keen parallels — but it’s too easy to get bogged down in the minutiae of Biblical lore to be recommendable.
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