Teen Titans: Titans East
October 28, 2007 | Trades
Teen Titans: Titans East
Geoff Johns, Tony S. Daniel, Adam Beechen, Al Barrionuevo
DC Comics
$17.99/$14.99 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)
Tick, tick, tick, tick… BOOM!
And just like that another of writer extraordinaire Geoff Johns’ ticking time bombs goes off.
After months, if not years, of dropping hints, one-page asides and foreshadowing galore, the long-awaited showdown between the true Teen Titans and an upstart group calling itself Titans East blows up on the shores of the New York island the heroes formerly called home.
Led by the nefarious Deathstroke The Terminator, Titans East includes villains like Match, a failed clone of Superboy; Inertia, a real clone of The Flash; the Joker’s Daughter; the Riddler’s Daughter; and longtime ally Batgirl, who’s been on an inexplicable deadly rampage of late.
The real question is: Are they simply out for blood or is there a much more complex plan at work?
Johns ends his stellar nearly four-year run of reinvigorating the Titans with a battle that has to be seen to be believed and sets the stage for an interesting future with new scribe, Adam Beechen.
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