Tales Of The Vampires
January 24, 2005 | Trades
Tales Of The Vampires
Joss Whedon, Jane Espenson, Ben Edlund, Tim Sale, Sean Phillips, Cameron Stewart
Dark Horse Books
$15.95 US (Paperback)
**** (out of five)
It’s been eight months since the cancellation of the TV show Angel and the future looks bleak for diehard fans of it and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
With no more TV shows and creator Joss Whedon busily working on his next project — the theatrical sci-fi release, Serenity — there isn’t much new for fans of the series to let them inside the world of the slayers.
But Tales Of The Vampires is the perfect salve for those in deep Buffy/Angel withdrawal.
Dark Horse Books scores again with another amazing anthology by pairing the staff writers from the TV series, including Whedon, Jane Espenson, Ben Edlund and others, with some of the top artists in comics, such as Tim Sale, Sean Phillips, Scott Morse and Canadians like Cameron Stewart and Vatche Mavlian.
Weaving together a series of vignettes showing the depths of character that fans of the two series have become accustomed to, Tales Of The Vampires is engrossing and intriguing.
Appearances by Angel, Spike and some other familiar vampire faces might just be enough to keep fans from going off the deep end and doing something they’ll regret — like watching reality TV.
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