Superman/Batman: Vengeance
July 31, 2006 | Trades
Superman/Batman: Vengeance
Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines
DC Comics
$26.99/$19.99 US (Hardcover)
**** (out of five)
Only three little words are necessary to convince any DC Comics fan to pick up this book: Me Am Batzarro!
The original Superman/Batman creative team of writer Jeph Loeb and artists Ed McGuinness and Dexter Vines re-team for this six-issue bookend and give readers just what they want — more heroes and villains than you can shake a stick at.
While Batman and Superman try to defend themselves against an other-dimensional super-team that mistakenly blames them for the death of a teammate, the rather unusual partnership between longtime Man Of Steel nemesis Bizarro and the backwards Dark Knight, Batzarro, is forged.
As the dimension hopping really heats up, readers are introduced to a gender-backwards Supes/Bats duo, a whole mess of Supergirls and the first DCU appearances of Batman Beyond and the Red Son Superman.
But the real question is: Who started all this mess?
The answer is priceless, as is this great farewell by Loeb, McGuinness and Vines.
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