Shazam: The Monster Society Of Evil #1 (of 4)

February 12, 2007 | Comics


Shazam: The Monster Society Of Evil #1 (of 4)
Jeff Smith
DC Comics
$7.25/$5.99 US
**** (out of five)

Jeff Smith’s award-winning series Bone remains one of the most popular independent series in comic book history.
So how do you follow something like that?
Well if you’re Smith you dive into your first ever full-length mainstream super-hero work, Shazam: The Monster Society Of Evil.
With his trademark art style, his keen wit and humour, Smith sets out to retell the origins of DC’s Captain Marvel and how a young homeless boy named Billy Batson comes to be the world’s mightiest mortal by simply uttering the word “SHAZAM”.
This first issue recounts Billy’s first encounter with the powerful wizard who merges him with the mighty hero and our first hints at who exactly the Monster Society is.
Smith’s follow-up to Bone took quite a while to complete — three years or so — but all evidence so far indicates it was well worth the wait.

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