Shadowhawk #11

April 24, 2006 | Comics


Shadowhawk #11
Jim Valentino
Image Comics
$4.15/$3.50 US
*** 1/2 (out of five)

Jim’s back and all is right with Shadowhawk again.
I should have written something up two months ago when series creator Jim Valentino first returned the writing and illustrating chores, but after letting it sink in for a couple of issues, I just can’t restrain myself any longer: this series is improving in leaps and bounds.
Valentino’s art is sharp and really benefits from some of the advancements in computerized colouring since his last drawing stint, which was a many years ago.
The story, which sees the current Shadowhawk — Eddie Collins — give up his mantle after the violent death of his best friend, is also very well constructed (albeit a might formulaic) and has really helped give focus to a series that was kind of coasting.
Welcome back, Jim. Please stay a while, will you?

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