Proof #1

December 10, 2007 | Comics


Proof #1
Alex Grecian, Riley Rossmo, Tyler Jenkins
Image Comics
$3.25/$2.99 US
*** 1/2 (out of five)

Ginger Brown has seen some truly inexplicable things in her job as a New York City cop, but none of it could prepare her for meeting her new partner.
After encountering a real, live (or dead, as the case may be) Golem while trying to break up a diamond store robbery, Ginger’s report on the incident earns her scorn from her superiors, but also catches the eyes of some people involved with a very special agency.
Next thing you know and Ginger has been transferred to Washington state and finds her self face-to-face with a nine-foot tall Bigfoot named John “Proof” Prufrock — her new partner — and the two get their first assignment: Stop a people-hungry Chupacabra (a.k.a. the Mexican Bigfoot) from snacking in a Minnesota state park.
Likeable characters and an interesting setup make Proof a new comic to watch.

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