Outsiders: Looking For Trouble

January 19, 2004 | Trades


Outsiders: Looking For Trouble
Judd Winick, Tom Raney
DC Comics
$19.95/$12.99 US (Paperback)
**** (out of five)

Welcome to the super-hero business.
Backed by a huge corporation for tax write-off purposes, the Outsiders are founded not only to stop crimes, but to stop them before they even happen.
If the Justice League are firemen, swooping in to save the day once the attack has begun, then the Outsiders are hunters. They’re going after the villains before they can get their evil plans off the ground.
With an eclectic mix of new and old DC characters and led by Nightwing — Dick Grayson, formerly Batman’s sidekick, Robin — the Outsiders is a winner.
With great characterization and dialogue, courtesy of writer Judd Winick (Green Arrow), and superb pencils by Tom Raney (Stormwatch), Looking For Trouble, which collects the first seven issues of the ongoing series, makes you like and care about these heroes very quickly.
With strong stories and some of the snappiest banter in the biz, the Outsiders look like they’re here to stay.

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