Manhunter: Trail By Fire

February 12, 2007 | Trades


Manhunter: Trial By Fire
Marc Andreyko, Javier Pina, Jesus Saiz
DC Comics
$23.99/17.99 US (Paperback)
**** (out of five)

Kate Spencer has brains, beauty and is tough as nails.
She has to be, not just for her night job as the vigilante known as Manhunter but also for her day job as a U.S. federal prosecutor trying to keep super-criminals behind bars.
As far as Kate’s concerned the guilty get two options: Be fairly convicted in the courts or use legal trickery to get off and see their brains blown out by her alter ego.
Now, as the trial of her career looms, Kate must pull out all the stops to earn a conviction against the villain called The Shadow Thief, a man she knows to be guilty, while his allies in evil target both the Manhunter for catching him and Kate herself for trying to put him away.
Writer Marc Andreyko and artists Javier Pina and Jesus Saiz deliver a roller-coaster of action, drama, humour and more in this whopping 222-page second collection of the recent Manhunter series, which sadly was cancelled recently by DC Comics due to poor monthly sales.
Hopefully this fine work will at least garner some attention and allow for the collecting of the whole series for those “waiting for the trades”.

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