Justice League Of America: The Lightning Saga

March 10, 2008 | Trades


Justice League Of America: The Lightning Saga
Brad Meltzer, Geoff Johns, Ed Benes, Dale Eaglesham, Gene Ha, Shane Davis, Fernando Pasarin
DC Comics
$29.99/$24.99 US (Hardcover)
**** (out of five)

It was the team-up event of year.
No, not the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America. Frankly, those two super-groups get together a little too often for it to be something special anymore.
It takes something a little extra to add some sizzle.
Something like having two of the world’s top comic book writers collaborate on the story.
Having Brad Meltzer (Identity Crisis) and Geoff Johns (Infinite Crisis) working together on a five-part story that blends the JLA, the JSA and the 31st-century Legion of Super-Heroes together in an adventure that is sure to have long-lasting repercussions for the DC Universe is something very special indeed.
Mix in some sublime art from the like of Ed Benes and Canadian Dale Eaglesham and it goes up an even higher notch into a book that simply every DC Comics fan should read.

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