Justice League Of America #1
August 28, 2006 | Comics
Justice League Of America #1
DC Comics
$5.50/$3.99 US
**** 1/2 (out of five)
They’re baaaaack!
The world’s greatest superheroes — or according to the title of the book only America’s — are reforming the Justice League.
DC’s big three — Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman — are in for sure, but who their teammates will be in this re-launch by writer Brad Meltzer (Identity Crisis) and artist Ed Benes (Birds Of Prey) has had many a fanboy in a tizzy over past few months.
Over a year after the events of leading up to Infinite Crisis, which saw the JLA implode in a disaster of mistrust, there are plenty of heroes worthy of membership in a revitalized League.
Here’s the early favourites to join the Big Three: Power Girl, Black Lightning, Arsenal, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), The Flash (Bart Allen) and Red Tornado.
Oh, and a DC insider tells me Hawkgirl is on the team.
Meltzer’s love for the classic DC characters of his youth shines through again in this book, as it did in Identity Crisis, and when partnered with Benes’ glitzy art, this book is guaranteed to be the cornerstone title that the world’s greatest superheroes deserve.
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