JSA Presents: Stars And S.T.R.I.P.E. Vol. 2
February 25, 2008 | Trades
JSA Presents: Stars And S.T.R.I.P.E. Vol. 2
Geoff Johns, Lee Moder, Scott Kollins, Dan Davis
DC Comics
$21.99$17.99 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)
She’s already faced down super-villains, monsters and aliens, but none of that could prepare the Star Spangled Kid for the new nemesis in her life: Her stepbrother, Mike.
Just as Courtney Whitmore is settling into her life as the teenage blonde half of the tandem of Stars And S.T.R.I.P.E., alongside her somewhat reluctant stepdad, Pat Dugan (who was once the original Star Spangled Kid’s sidekick, Stripsey, back in the day), she finds herself face to face with two mysteries. First, who’s behind the strange cult that keeps kidnapping teens from her high school and second, where did Mike Dugan come from and what does he want?
The answers to both are shockers.
The pre-Justice Society adventures of the hero who would go on to become Stargirl, penned by then-newbie comic book writer Geoff Johns in this second and final volume collecting this short-lived series, have a lightness and humour about them that is intermittently both refreshing and mildly cheesy. Still, there’s no denying the impact both Courtney and Johns would go on to have on the DC Universe and that’s definitely a fun thing to go back and read.
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