JSA #82
February 13, 2006 | Comics
JSA #82
DC Comics
$3.50 ($2.50 US)
*** 1/2 (out of five)
It’s hard to say what’s weirder to see after a long absence: Batman and Superman in the Justice Society or Paul Levitz writing a comic.
Both odd occurences coincide in this month’s issue of JSA, in what on the surface appears to be an untold tale of the superteam’s past, but what could have much deeper ramifications in the ongoing Infinite Crisis going on in the DC Universe.
Levitz, along with h superstar artist George Perez, continue the mixing of DCU histories began in Infinite Crisis #4 when Power Girl presents the aging Ma Kunkle — the former 1940s superhero, Red Tornado — with Lois Lane’s notebook, detailing an untold adventure of the JSA that features Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. Of course in modern DC history, that heroic trifecta never belonged to that team and never existed in that era.
As the story reaches its bittersweet conclusion, Power Girl’s confusion over her twin histories threatens to boil over as she wrestles with the notion that she may have to choose who lives and who dies in the DCU in the very near future.
This book is classic Levitz, a longtime writer before moving upstairs to become DC’s president and publisher. Its sweet, swift and gives you everything you need to know as the Crisis continues its way through the DCU.
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