John Constantine, Hellblazer: Reasons To Be Cheerful
May 14, 2007 | Trades
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Reasons To Be Cheerful
Mike Carey, Leonardo Manco
Vertigo/DC Comics
$17.99/$14.99 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)
John Constantine is a daddy— and that’s as much horror as any Hellblazer book needs — but things are so very much worse than that.
After being tricked by the demon Rosacarnis into fathering three kids in the preceeding story arc, collected in Hellblazer: Stations Of The Cross, Constantine must now deal with the fallout — namely that they all want to kill him.
Worse that that, they all want him to suffer before he goes, so they begin tracking down and bumping off everybody the occult investigator ever cared about, or went to school with, or lived next to, or met, for that matter.
Thankfully Constantine’s got himself some pretty tough friends and family, who aren’t planning on going quietly when his demon spawn come calling. And he’s also gotten himself a mysterious and unexpected ally, one who’s got his own reasons to see John’s kids stopped.
Writer Mike Carey’s penultimate Hellblazer collection continues to build up the intrigue and sets the stage nicely for Constantine’s final showdown with Rosacarnis and their kids
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