Grendel: Behold The Devil #0

September 4, 2007 | Comics


Grendel: Behold The Devil #0
Matt Wagner
Dark Horse Comics
$0.50 US
*** 1/2 (out of five)

One of the most anticipated comics of the year is finally here.
Well, sort of.
Grendel creator Matt Wagner writing and illustrating a new miniseries featuring his very first master assassin, Hunter Rose, has got many a fanboy all worked up.
This new series kicks off with a #0 issue with six pages of story, along with an extensive interview with Wagner by Newsarama’s Matt Brady, providing even more to whet the appetite of all those starving Grendel fans.
The quick story intro sees Rose hunting down a victim and slaying him, which is revealed to be an entry from his journal being read by his “granddaughter” Christine Spar, who has discovered a missing segment in his records.
Now we all just have to wait until November for the first full issue to find out more.
On behalf of all the fanboys: Arghhh!

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