Flash: Rogue War
March 27, 2006 | Trades
Flash: Rogue War
Geoff Johns, Howard Porter, Livesay
DC Comics
$23.99 (Paperback)
**** (out of five)
It was the perfect ending — and it should have been.
It is not an exaggeration to say that The Flash has been one of, if not the best, super-hero comic in the world since the autumn of 2000.
That, by not coincidence, was when relative newcomer Geoff Johns took over the writing chores of this long-standing DC Comics series and quickly turned it into something special.
It was his love of villains, you see. Johns loves the bad guys. And he can write bad guys — ones that you hate and ones that you love — better than almost any other scribe in the industry.
For over five years, Johns brought out the best in the Flash’s Rogues Gallery and so when he was ready to end his run on his signature series, he went out with a bang.
Tying up all the loose threads he’d left out there, some as old as his first story arc, Johns runs the Flash right into two teams of divided Rogues — and a wildcard. As ever, the action is as fast as the series namesake and, unlike so many modern-age comics, it even has a happy ending.
Unfortunately, while any fan of the DCU knew the end of this series (and the inevitable relaunch) was coming with the mega-crossover Infinite Crisis, the series went on without Johns for five more forgettable issues, slightly diminishing a great conclusion for this incarnation of the Scarlet Speedster.
But thanks anyways Geoff. It’s been a great ride.
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