DC Universe Illustrated by Neal Adams Vol. 1
March 8, 2009 | Trades
Neal Adams’ art is a gas, baby.
After releasing stunning recoloured, hardcover reprints of many of the seminal works of this artistic giant — Batman, Deadman and Green Lantern/Green Arrow — over the past decade, DC Comics is finally taking readers back to where it all began.
DC Universe Illustrated by Neal Adams Vol. 1 (DC Comics, 194 pages, $45.99) highlights Adams’ work beginning in the late 1960s on characters like the Elongated Man and the Teen Titans (the latter of which is packed with dialogue that could’ve been ripped right out of an Austin Powers film) and continuing into the 1970s with his work on Second World War titles like Our Army at War and Star Spangled War Stories (both of which, thanks to the ultra-conservative Comics Code Authority, are the most gore- and blood-free war books you’ll ever see).
While these may not be the brightest examples of Adams’ art available, it’s easy to see how his ability to break out of the stereotypical boxy format and eye for dynamic action led him to become one of the most influential comic creators of the late 20th century.
(This review first appeared in the Toronto Star)
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