Damn Nation

October 17, 2005 | Trades


Damn Nation
Andrew Cosby, J. Alexander
Dark Horse Books
$12.95 (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)

The United States is overrun with the most vile, evil creatures to ever walk the earth and Canada is a haven.
Damn Nation is a smart book.
But seriously, this brief-but-interesting story of a plague of vampires taking over the U.S. has a lot going for it.
Writer Andrew Cosby — creator of the TV series, Haunted — crafts a fast-paced and genuinely creepy yarn revolving around a joint U.S./British special forces mission to enter the U.S. and rescue a scientist who may have found the way to stop the vampires, while artist J. Alexander’s lavishly coloured work forces readers to stop and savour the sights.
The only thing working against this book is its brevity. While there’s a perfect setup for a sequel, a three-issue trade paperback just doesn’t seem like enough — especially when it shows so much promise.

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