Countdown To Final Crisis Vol. 1

June 2, 2008 | Trades


Countdown To Final Crisis Vol. 1
Paul Dini
DC Comics
$22.99/$19.99 US (Paperback)
*** (out of five)

Final Crisis is finally here.
Of course comic book fans had plenty of notice that last week’s big event series was starting, most notably the weekly series that began with the title, Countdown, and halfway through became, Countdown To Final Crisis.
Every week there was another little clue as to what Final Crisis is and who the central characters were, but it also served as a handy weekly wrap-up of the events in the DC Universe, so if you didn’t read a particular series, you’d still be able to play connect the dots.
This first volume, collecting weeks 51-39, begins with a hero’s death, sees a supporting character get his very own powers, sees another hero make a deal with the devil and asks the question: Where is Ray Palmer?
With an diverse range of artists working with head writer Paul Dini and his supporting scribes, Countdown can be a bit haphazard at times, but it does fulfill its role of advancing the DCU towards Final Crisis well enough that readers who want the whole picture should give it a read.

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