Concrete Vol. 6: Strange Armor

September 13, 2006 | Trades


Concrete Vol. 6: Strange Armor
Paul Chadwick
Dark Horse Books
$12.95 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)

It is the great Concrete movie that never was.
While the tale of how speechwriter Ron Lithgow was kidnapped by aliens and had his brain inserted into a hulking, gray rock body had been told before, creator Paul Chadwick was never entirely happy with it.
So in the grand tradition of many comic books (and most notably in Hollywood films), Chadwick went back 10 years later and retold the story the way he felt it should be told.
The inspiration? — The creator’s screenplay for the aborted Concrete feature film.
Some changes are more dramatic than others (and it’s up to the individual reader to decide which you prefer), but either way, Strange Armor now stands as the definitive Concrete origin story and an essential in modern post-superhero comics.

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