Concrete Vol. 5: Think Like A Mountain
July 3, 2006 | Trades
Concrete Vol. 5: Think Like A Mountain
Paul Chadwick
Dark Horse Books
$12.95 US (Paperback)
**** (out of five)
There’s nothing like a Concrete book to challenge your perceptions.
Think Like A Mountain, originally published in the mid-1990s, is a classic example of how creator Paul Chadwick uses the medium of comic books to deliver resonating messages. In this collection, Concrete — everyman Ron Lithgow, trapped in a huge stone body after being abducted by aliens — signs on to write a story about Earth First! and eco-terrorism. But after seeing firsthand the damage being done to the environment, in this case old-growth forest, Concrete must decide whether to involve himself in the cause, or to be as impassive as a mountain.
Think Like A Mountain, the fifth in a new seven-volume collection of Concrete books, is packed with insight and information gleaned through Chadwick’s countless hours of research, but maintains a smooth and seamless story that is hard to dismiss.
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