Capes Vol. 1: Punching The Clock

January 28, 2008 | Trades


Capes Vol. 1: Punching The Clock
Robert Kirkman, Mark Englert
Image Comics
$17.99 US (Paperback)
*** (out of five)

I have maintained for quite a while now that a more cohesive super-hero universe for the characters at Image Comics would be a great thing.
True, there’s a risk that if Savage Dragon, Spawn and Invincible kept having crossover series it would probably suck as much as when the other big comic book companies do them with their famous characters, but all in all I think it helps give depth to the Image world if they occasionally face each other’s villains or take a trip to one another’s cities.
Of course, I’m not the only person who’s held this viewpoint.
Turns out some character named Robert Kirkman tried creating a more integrated Image universe around his trademark character, Invincible, and a would-be sister series, Capes, about a super-hero team that operates as a business.
It was a good idea, but it didn’t work, mainly because Capes was just a little too campy for most people’s tastes.
Still, if you want a peak at the cohesive Image universe that could have been (and you never know, maybe it still will), then Capes is worth giving a read.

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