Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up

May 19, 2008 | Trades


Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up
Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz, Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund
DC Comics
$27.99/$24.99 US (Hardcover)
*** ½ (out of five)

Booster Gold is a jerk.
At least that’s what he needs people to believe.
The star of the acclaimed weekly series 52 finally gets his own monthly book again — for the first time since the 80s — and he looks like he’s finally got it made. After years of being reduced to being a laughing stock for his unrepentant greed and selfishness, Booster is on the cusp of a dream: Getting invited back to being a member of the Justice League of America.
There’s just one problem: Booster may have to turn down JLA membership in order to fight a more important battle — one against someone set to alter time to eliminate Earth’s greatest heroes. And worse still for the diehard showman, he may have to keep it a secret.
Comic writer extraordinaire Geoff Johns (Green Lantern, Justice Society Of America), newcomer Jeff Katz, Booster’s creator Dan Jurgens and fellow artist Norm Rapmund team up to deliver a solid rebirth for this golden hero with a new series that tiptoes behind the scenes of the DC Universe, delivering action, laughs and much more.

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