Birds Of Prey: Dead Of Winter

March 24, 2008 | Trades


Birds Of Prey: Dead Of Winter
Gail Simone, Nicola Scott, Doug Hazlewood
$21.99/$17.99 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)

She may be confined to a wheelchair, but Oracle is ready to kick some butt.
Having recently ceded control of the Birds Of Prey to her old nemesis, Katarina Armstrong, a.k.a. Spy Smasher, Oracle, otherwise known as Barbara Gordon (formerly Batgirl) is forced to watch her friends sent off to a former Soviet state on a mission shrouded in mystery.
When it all blows up, as these things so often do, the Birds find themselves locked in battle with the mercenary team, the Secret Six, for control of a very unique prize — a former Justice Leaguer thought dead for years!
The fallout of this clash is a full-on brawl between the paraplegic former Batgirl and Spy Smasher — winner take all for control of the team.
Longtime writer Gail Simone departs Birds Of Prey, a series she propelled from relative obscurity to great popularity, not with a whimper, but with one heck of a bang.

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