Batman: Under The Hood Vol. 2

June 19, 2006 | Trades


Batman: Under The Hood Vol. 2
DC Comics
$13.50/$9.99 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)

Jason Todd was one of the best.
As Robin, he fought alongside Batman to help keep the streets of Gotham City safe.
Then he died.
Some might say the Joker killed him, although his fate was actually decided in a call in vote where the fans decided the second Robin should go.
But over the last few years there’ve been Jason Todd sightings. Was it is a hoax, a ruse to throw Batman off his game? How could this young man have risen from the grave?
This second book of Under The Hood explains not only how Jason came back, but also why he’s assumed the mantle of the criminal Red Hood and why he’s been toying with the Dark Knight.
It all comes down to a showdown — the teacher versus the student with the fate of Gotham’s most notorious villain on the line.
This is one Bat-story you won’t likely soon forget.

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