Batman: Under The Hood Vol. 1
December 5, 2005 | Trades
Batman: Under The Hood Vol. 1
Judd Winick, Doug Mahnke, Tom Nguyen, Paul Lee, Cam Smith
DC Comics
$13.50 (Paperback)
*** ½ (out of five)
Behind his stone-faced façade, Batman’s heart is racing.
There’s a new face in the Gotham City crime scene, a hidden face, and if the Dark Knight’s suspicions about the identity of the new Red Hood prove to be true, then it could change his life forever.
Taking his name from the classic villain that would become the Joker, the Red Hood catches the eyes of not only Batman, but the Gotham underworld as he systematically begins to wipe out and take control of his competition.
When they finally meet face to face, or rather fists to faces, something about the Hood seems very familiar. Could the world’s greatest detective know one of its worst new crooks?
The revelations of Under The Hood — another strong effort by writer Judd Winick, along with artists Doug Mahnke, Tom Nguyen, Paul Lee and Cam Smith — are stirring for any longtime Batman fan and will no doubt have long-standing ramifications for the DC Universe.
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