Batman: Snow

May 14, 2007 | Trades


Batman: Snow
Dan Curtis, J.H. Williams III, Seth Fisher
DC Comics
$17.99/$14.99 US (Paperback)
*** 1/2 (out of five)

It is hard not to feel cheated as you read the pages of Batman: Snow.
The art in this re-telling of the origin of the Dark Knight’s enemy Mr. Freeze is so detailed and eye catching, full of life and energy.
It is a painful reminder how much the comic book world lost with the tragic death of artist Seth Fisher in January 2006, when to fell seven stories off a hotel roof.
After catching fans’ eyes with his unique work in books like Green Lantern: Willworld, Flash: Time Flies and Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big In Japan, Fisher’s art was something to look forward to. It was refreshingly different.
Fisher could even make the blue-and-grey, 60’s style Batman and make him look cool.
Kudos to DC for making sure this standout story arc is collected for more people to read and appreciate what Fisher was able to give us in his mere 33 years.

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