Batman: Detective

April 30, 2007 | Trades


Batman: Detective
Paul Dini, Royal McGraw, Don Kramer, J.H. Williams III, Joe Benitez, Marcos Marz
DC Comics
$17.99/$14.99 US (Paperback)
**** (out of five)

Say goodbye to Batman: Superhero and welcome back The Dark Knight Detective.
As part of DC’s “One Year Later” event, which saw many its monthly series fast forward 365 days, the company handed the reigns of one of its longest-running series, Detective Comics, starring Batman, over to a man who’s come to learn a lot about the character over the past decade, Paul Dini.
Dini, the Emmy Award-winning writer behind the highly popular Batman: The Animated Series, quickly gets the Dark Knight back to his roots with a series of stand-alone issues each featuring a different crime for the great detective to solve.
The result is some of the best Bat-stories in recent memory fantastically drawn by artists Don Kramer, J.H. Williams III, Joe Benitez and Marcos Marz.

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