Astro City Special #1

August 23, 2004 | Comics


Astro City Special #1
Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson, Alex Ross
Wildstorm/DC Comics
$6/$3.95 US
*** 1/2 (out of five)

Astro City is back after an eight-month hiatus and it’s just like old times.
This special examines the life of Supersonic, a retired senior and former super-hero who is forced back into action to stop a giant robot from leveling the city.
As Supersonic flashes back and forth between battling for his life and looking back on his prime, readers are treated to everything that is good about Astro City.
Writer Kurt Busiek’s love for the heroes of yesteryear, Brent Anderson’s terrific art and legendary painter Alex Ross’ cover all make this special exactly that.

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